PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) Sample Questions Set-250
Categories: U.K. PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board)
Question: A 6 week baby has a blue mark near the coccyx since birth. His mother is worried. What would you do?
a. Reassure
b. Coag profile
c. Karyotyping
d. Skeletal survey
e. CT
Answer: (a)
Question: A man presents with inoperable carcinoma and back pain. His pain has been well controlled with morphine but he develops vomiting. Morphine was stopped and he was started on metoclopramide and fentanyl patches. He then develops neck stiffness and fever. What is the cause of these symptoms?
a. Metoclopramide
b. Fentanyl
c. Morphine
d. Meningitis
e. Metastasis
Answer: (a)
Question: A 51 year old man has become increasingly fatigued for the past 10m. PE: no abnormal findings. Labs: Hgb=9.2, Hct=27.9%, MCV=132 fl, plt=242, WBC=7.59. Which of the following morphologic findings is most likely to be present on examination of his peripheral blood smear?
a. Hypersegmented neutrophils
b. Nucleated RBC
c. Blasts
d. Hypochromic, microcytic RBC
e. Schistocytes
Question: A 9 year old girl with weekly abdominal pain and occasional headaches but not a/w vomiting or diarrhea. She maintains a good appetite. Lab: normal. CBC, BUE, etc are normal. Examination: no abnormality was found and the abdomen was soft and nontender. What would you do for her next?
a. US abdomen
b. CT thorax
c. LFT
d. Reassure
e. Analgesics
Answer: (d)
Question: A 54 year old male patient DM with BMI=33 who has been treated using dietary control up till now presents to his GP with a fasting blood sugar of 14 mmol/l and creatinine=90 mmol/l. Urine shows glycosuria. No other abnormalities are found. What is the best next step in management?
a. Biguanide
b. Sulfonylurea
c. Insulin
d. Sugar free diet
e. ACEi
Answer: (a)
Question: What are the side effects of thiazide diuretics?
a. Hypocalcemia
b. Hyponatremia
c. Hypernatremia
d. Hyperkalemia
Answer: (b)
Question: A 46 year old man who is a heavy drinker is brought to the ED in a drowsy state. He is responding vaguely to questions. Examination: nystagmus and hyperreflexia. MCV=103fl. What is the most likely cause for his cognitive impairment?
a. B1 deficiency
b. B12 deficiency
c. Folate deficiency
d. B6 deficiency
e. Alcohol withdrawal
Answer: (a)
Question: A 23 year old female presented with a swelling of her neck that moved upwards on protrusion of tongue. What is the next appropriate investigation?
b. Punch biopsy
c. Core biopsy
d. MRI neck
e. Radioactive thyroid scan
Answer: (a)
Question: A 34 year old man from Asia presented with 5m hx of productive cough, night sweats and weight loss. His CXR reveals some shadowing in the left upper zone. What is the single most discriminating investigation?
a. AFB for sputum
b. CXR
c. CT
d. TFT
e. US abdomen
Answer: (a)
Question: A prv healthy 23 year old presented with a week hx of bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain with cramps and fever. Examination: tenderness in lower abdomen. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?
a. Celiac disease
b. Colorectal polyps
c. UC
d. Laxative abuse
e. Gastroenteritis
Answer: (e)