PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) Sample Questions Set-214
Categories: U.K. PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board)
Question: A 22 year old man came to the hospital after an injury in his hand while playing basketball. Examination: avulsion of extensor tendon from the distal phalanx. What is the single most probable deformity?
a. Dinner fork deformity
b. Gamekeeper thumb
c. Mallet finger
d. Gun-stock deformity
e. Garden spade deformity
Answer: (c)
Question: A 28 year old man is under investigation for recurrent lower back pain. A diagnosis of AS is suspected. Which of the following investigations is most useful?
a. ESR
b. XR sacro-iliac joints
c. HLA B27
d. XR thoracic spine
e. CT lumbar spine
Answer: (b)
Question: A 4 year old girl is taken by her mother to the ED and complains of feeling unwell, urinary urgency and temperature=39C. What is the single next best investigation?
a. Catheter catch of urine
b. Clean catch of urine
c. US
d. IVU
e. Suprapubic catch of urine
Answer: (b)
Question: A 2 year old girl presents with a 4d hx of fever that started with a cough. Her RR=45bpm, sat=94%, temperature=38.9C, capillary refill time=1s. There are crepitations at the left base on auscultation. Urine shows negative dipstick. What is the single investigation most likely to lead to diagnosis?
a. Blood for C&S
b. ESR
c. CXR
d. Urine for C&S
e. CSF analysis
Answer: (c)
Question: A 3 year old girl presents with fever for 2 days. She is drowsy and had a seizure causing twitching of the right side of the body for 4mins. Her RR=30 bpm, sat=90%, temperature=38.9C, capillary refill time=2s. Urine negative on dipstick. What is the single investigation most likely to lead to diagnosis?
a. Blood for C&S
b. ESR
c. CXR
d. Urine for C&S
e. CSF analysis
Answer: (e)
Question: A 6 month boy is admitted with persistent irritability. He is lethargic and is not feeding as well as usual. His RR=30 bpm, sat=97%, temperature=38.0C, capillary refill time=2s. Urine reveals leukocytes on the dipstick. What is the single investigation most likely to lead to diagnosis?
a. Blood for C&S
b. ESR
c. CXR
d. Urine for C&S
e. CSF analysis
Answer: (d)
Question: A 3 year old boy presents with a 1d hx of being unwell. He appears shocked and has a 3h old rash made up of urticarial and purpule spots. His RR=30 bpm, sat=94%, temperature=39C, capillary refill time=1s. Urine is clean on a dipstick. What is the single investigation most likely to lead to diagnosis?
a. Blood for C&S
b. ESR
c. CXR
d. Urine for C&S
e. CSF analysis
Answer: (a)
Question: A child is diagnosed with VUR. What would you tell his parents?
a. Requires antibiotic prophylaxis
b. Most will require surgery
c. Most will have kidney scarring by 5 year old
d. Nothing can be done
e. Reassure
Answer: (b)
Question: A 2 year old child presents with severe vomiting. Examination: mass felt in abdomen. What investigation is most appropriate?
a. US
b. XR
c. CT
d. CBC
Answer: (a)
Question: A 13 year old girl complains of a 2 days hx of hoarseness of voice a/w dry cough. She feels feverish. On direct laryngoscopy, her vocal cords are grossly edematous. What is the single most appropriate investigation?
a. None requirement
b. Sputum for AFB
c. Laryngoscopy
d. Bronchoscopy
e. XR cervical spine
Answer: (a)