PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) Sample Questions Set-93

Categories: EDUCATION U.K. PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board)

Question. A 30 year old lady taking COCP pills is on amoxicillin tablets for a week. What advice would you give to the patient?


A. Stop COCP and continue amoxicillin

B. Use condom for a week

C. Use condom for 2 weeks

D. No precaution required


Answer: (d)


Question. A 12 year old girl when playing in the garden accidentally stepped on a hive and was bitten several times. She has numerous wheals on her body and complains of severe itching. What is the SINGLE most appropriate management?


A. Oral antihistamine

B. IV antihistamine

C. IM adrenaline

D. Oral Ciprofloxacin

E. Reassurance


Answer: (a)


Question. A 31 year old primigravida who is into her 36th week of pregnancy was diagnosed with pregnancy induced hypertension during her 16th week of gestation. She was brought with complaints of headache and severe epigastric pain following which she threw a fit in the labor room. Once her fit was controlled after administration of 4 gms of MgSO4, she was started on a maintenance dose  when she threw another fit. From the given options, choose your next line of management?


A. Deliver the baby

B. Another infusion of MgSO4 4gms

C. Continue Labetalol with IV MgSO4 2 gms bolus

D. Start her on sodium valproate.


Answer: (c)


Question. A young man is brought to the hospital with a history of fall and hitting his head on the pavement after excessive drinking. His friends say he lost consciousness after the fall but did not have any other symptoms. At the moment he appears completely fine, talkative and is determined to go home. What is the next step in the management of this patient?


A. Reassure

B. CT and discharge

C. Check Blood glucose levels

D. Admit for observation


Answer: (d)


Question. A man presents with massive hepato-splenomegaly and pancytopenia which investigation would be diagnostic?


A. Bone marrow biopsy


C. Lymph node biopsy



Answer: (a)


Question. A 36 year old gravida 3 para 2 delivered a baby boy via a vaginal delivery within 8 hours of spontaneous rupture of membranes 4 weeks ago. The placenta was delivered intact, no tears were noted and the delivery was entirely uneventful. She now comes with complaints of massive vaginal bleeding and a history of pyrexia since the last 3 days. What could be the appropriate investigation to diagnose her condition?


A. Transvaginal USS

B. Reassure

C. Vaginal examination

D. High vaginal swab


Answer: (d)


Question. A 56 year old woman has woken up 5 times in the last month with a feeling of thumping in her chest. On sitting up for about 2 minutes and taking a few deep breaths, the sensation subsides over a further minute. Her ECG shows sinus rhythm. What is the single most appropriate investigation?


A. Cardiac Enzymes

B. 24 hour Ambulatory Electrocardiogram

C. Echocardiography

D. Serum urea and electrolytes

E. Cardiac Enzymes


Answer: (c)


Question. An elderly gentleman who used to work in the shipyard industry presented with a cough and shortness of breath a few weeks to months was given salbutamol nebulization and antibiotics and admitted to the ward. He died 3 days later. His CT scan shows patchy infiltrates, pleural thickening and pleural effusions. Why is this a Coroner’s case?


A. Patient got wrong diagnosis or wrong management

B. Patient died soon after admission

C. Death could be due to occupational illness


Answer: (c)


Question. A seven year old girl is brought by her mother with bright red staining of her underpants; she also  gives a history that her daughter recently started taking horse riding lessons. What is the single most appropriate next action?


A. Local Examination

B. Examination under Anaesthesia

C. Continue Regular Child Care

D. Inform Child protection Services

E. Coagulation profile


Answer: (b)


Question. A 6 week old male baby vomits after feeding. Tummy is noted to be distended after feeding. On examination, the baby is lethargic with poor weight gain and an Olive shaped mass is found on the right side of the tummy. What will be the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?


A. Gastroesophageal Reflux

B. Pyloric Stenosis

C. Intussusception

D. Duodenal Atresia

E. Volvulus


Answer: (b)

These questions cover various aspects of medical knowledge, clinical reasoning, and professional skills. Remember to refer to the PLAB exam syllabus and guidelines for a comprehensive understanding of the exam content and format.

The PLAB test is a prerequisite for international medical graduates who want to practise medicine in the UK. Passing both parts of the exam is also a requirement. To receive a licence to practise medicine in the UK after passing the exam, you might need to complete additional exams, such as the GMC registration process and securing a job offer or training placement.

In order to practise medicine in the United Kingdom, international medical graduates must pass the PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) exam. The General Medical Council (GMC), which oversees medical practitioners in the UK, is in charge of administering it.

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