PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) Sample Questions Set-161
Categories: U.K. PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board)
Question: A 67 years old female who had undergone a radical mastectomy now comes with the complaint of swelling and redness in her right upper limb. Involvement of which of the following structures explain these symptoms?
a. Epitrochlear LN
b. Cephalic vein
c. Subclavian artery
d. Axillary group of LN
e. Long thoracic nerve
Answer: (d)
Question: A 50 year old smoker and heavy drinker presents with complaints of a racing heart. A 24h ECG comes out normal. What is your next step in management?
b. Reassure
c. Stress test
Answer: (b)
Question: A 47 years old man comes to the GP with a swelling in his left groin which disappears on lying down. The swelling was bluish in color and felt like a bag of worms. He also complains of a mass in the left loin along with hematuria occasionally. What could be the possible dx?
a. Left sided RCC
b. Varicosity 2nd to liver disease
c. Testicular tumor
d. UTI
e. IVC obstruction
Answer: (a)
Question: A man presents with muffled hearing and feeling of pressure in ear with tinnitus and vertigo. He also complains of double vision when looking to the right. What is the most appropriate dx?
a. Meniere’s disease
b. Acoustic neuroma
c. Acute labyrinthitis
d. Meningioma
e. Otosclerosis
Answer: (b)
Question: In 85% of the population this artery is dominant. What is the single most appropriate option?
a. Left ant descending artery
b. Coronary sinus
c. Circumflex artery
d. Left main stem, post descending artery
e. Right coronary artery
Answer: (e)
Question: A 54 years old lady presents with sudden, severe pain in the left half of her skull. She also complains of pain around her jaw. What is the next likely step?
a. CT
b. MRI
c. Fundoscopy
d. ESR
e. Temporal artery biopsy
Answer: (d)
Question: A teenage girl who was ‘fine’ until her boyfriend said he didn’t want the relationship anymore. She took 10 tablets of paracetamol in front of his mother after taking alcohol. What should you do?
a. Refer to psychiatry
b. Counselling
c. GP to sort out family issues
d. Return to work to relieve her anger
Answer: (a)
Question: A 6 year old fell on an outstretched hand while playing. He feels tender at the elbow but otherwise well. What is the most likely dx?
a. Spiral fx
b. Green stick fx
c. Compound fx
d. Supracondylar fx
e. Pulled elbow
Answer: (b)
Question: A man has a BP of 160/90mmHg, proteinuria++. KUB US are equally reduced in size with smooth borders and normal pelvicalyceal system. What is the cause of HTN in the pt?
a. Chronic glomerulonephritis
b. Chronic pyelonephritis
c. Bilateral renal artery stenosis
d. Essential HTN
e. Polycystic kidney
Answer: (c)
Question: A lady presents with abdominal pain, dysuria, dyspareunia and vaginal discharge. What is your next step?
a. Laparoscopy
b. High vaginal swab
c. Hysteroscopy
d. Laparotomy
e. US
Answer: (b)
These questions cover various aspects of medical knowledge, clinical reasoning, and professional skills. Remember to refer to the PLAB exam syllabus and guidelines for a comprehensive understanding of the exam content and format.
The PLAB test is a prerequisite for international medical graduates who want to practise medicine in the UK. Passing both parts of the exam is also a requirement. To receive a licence to practise medicine in the UK after passing the exam, you might need to complete additional exams, such as the GMC registration process and securing a job offer or training placement.
In order to practise medicine in the United Kingdom, international medical graduates must pass the PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) exam. The General Medical Council (GMC), which oversees medical practitioners in the UK, is in charge of administering it.
The PLAB exam is divided into two parts:
PLAB Part 1: This written, multiple-choice exam gauges your knowledge and comprehension of clinical practise and medical principles. It has 180 single-best-answer questions and covers a variety of subjects, such as surgery, psychiatry, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, and more. The PLAB Part 1 exam is available in many different nations.
PLAB Part 2: This practical test evaluates your clinical abilities, communication abilities, and ethical standards. There are 18 situations in all, all of them take place in the UK and include interacting with fictitious patients. Your capacity to gather data, generate accurate diagnoses, and create treatment plans is evaluated by the examiners.
You must fulfil specific requirements, such as holding a primary medical certification recognised by the GMC and possessing the appropriate English language proficiency, in order to be qualified to take the PLAB exam. The GMC's website should be checked for the most recent and comprehensive qualifying requirements.
A strong foundation in clinical expertise and medical knowledge is necessary for PLAB exam preparation. Many applicants prepare by combining self-study, books, online sources, and practise tests. Additionally, a number of for-profit businesses provide training programmes and resources created expressly for the PLAB exam.