PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) Sample Questions Set-134
Categories: U.K. PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board)
Question: A 5 years old girl had earache and some yellowish foul smelling discharge, perforation at the attic and conductive hearing loss. She has no past hx of any ear infections. What is the most appropriate dx?
a. Acute OM
b. OM with effusion
c. Acquired cholesteatoma
d. Congenital cholesteatoma
e. Otitis external
Answer: (c)
Question: A female with T1DM would like to know about a deficiency of vitamins in pregnancy that can be harmful. A deficiency of which vitamin can lead to teratogenic effects in the child?
a. Folic acid
b. Vit B12
c. Thiamine
d. Riboflavin
e. Pyridoxine
Answer: (a)
Question: A 23 years old woman has been having pain at the base of her thumb, the pain is reproduced when lifting her 3 month old baby or changing diapers and also with forceful abduction of the thumb against resistance. What is the likely cause?
a. Avascular necrosis of scaphoid
b. Trigger finger
c. De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
Answer: (c)
Question: A 6m child presents with fever and cough. His mother has rushed him to the ED asking for help. Examination: temp=39C and the child is feeding poorly. Dx?
a. Bronchiolitis
b. Asthma
c. Bronchitis
Answer: (a)
Question: A 75 years old man collapsed while walking in his garden. He recovered fully within 30 mins with BP 110/80 mmHg and regular pulse of 70 bpm. He has a systolic murmur on examination. His activities have been reduced lately which he attributes to old age. What is the definitive diagnostic inv that will assist you with his condition?
a. ECG
b. Echo
c. 24h ECG monitoring
d. 24h BP monitoring
e. Prv CIN
Answer: (b)
Question: A 35 years old man with a hx of schizophrenia is brought to the ER by his friends due to drowsiness. On examination he is generally rigid. A dx of neuroleptic malignant syndrome except:
a. Renal failure
b. Pyrexia
c. Elevated creatinine kinase
d. Usually occurs after prolonged tx
e. Tachycardia
Answer: (a)
Question: A 33yo drug addict wants to quit. She says she is ready to stop the drug abuse. She is supported by her friends and family. What drug tx would you give her?
a. Benzodiazepines
b. Diazepoxide
c. Lithium
d. Methadone
e. Disulfiram
Answer: (d)
Question: A 16m child presents with drooling, sore throat and loss of voice. He has a fever with a temp of 38.2C. What is your next step towards management?
a. Direct laryngoscopy
b. Call ENT surgeon
c. Call anesthesiologist
d. IV fluids
e. Start antibiotics
Answer: (c)
Question: A 62 years old woman complains of unsteadiness when walking. On examination she has pyramidal weakness of her left lower limb and reduced pain and temp sensation on right leg and right side of trunk up to the umbilicus. Joint position sense is impaired at her left great toe but is normal elsewhere. She has a definite left extensor plantar response and the right plantar response is equivocal. Where is the lesion?
a. Left cervical cord
b. Midline mid-thoracic cord
c. Right mid-thoracic cord
d. Left mid-thoracic cord
e. Left lumbo-sacral plexus
Answer: (d)
Question: A 26 years old man present to ED with increasing SOB on left side and chest pain. He has been a heavy smoker for the past 4 years. He doesn’t have any past med hx. What is the likely dx?
a. Pulmonary embolism
b. MI
c. Asthma
d. Pleural effusion
e. Pneumothorax
Answer: (e)
These questions cover various aspects of medical knowledge, clinical reasoning, and professional skills. Remember to refer to the PLAB exam syllabus and guidelines for a comprehensive understanding of the exam content and format.
The PLAB test is a prerequisite for international medical graduates who want to practise medicine in the UK. Passing both parts of the exam is also a requirement. To receive a licence to practise medicine in the UK after passing the exam, you might need to complete additional exams, such as the GMC registration process and securing a job offer or training placement.
In order to practise medicine in the United Kingdom, international medical graduates must pass the PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) exam. The General Medical Council (GMC), which oversees medical practitioners in the UK, is in charge of administering it.
The PLAB exam is divided into two parts:
PLAB Part 1: This written, multiple-choice exam gauges your knowledge and comprehension of clinical practise and medical principles. It has 180 single-best-answer questions and covers a variety of subjects, such as surgery, psychiatry, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, and more. The PLAB Part 1 exam is available in many different nations.
PLAB Part 2: This practical test evaluates your clinical abilities, communication abilities, and ethical standards. There are 18 situations in all, all of them take place in the UK and include interacting with fictitious patients. Your capacity to gather data, generate accurate diagnoses, and create treatment plans is evaluated by the examiners.
You must fulfil specific requirements, such as holding a primary medical certification recognised by the GMC and possessing the appropriate English language proficiency, in order to be qualified to take the PLAB exam. The GMC's website should be checked for the most recent and comprehensive qualifying requirements.
A strong foundation in clinical expertise and medical knowledge is necessary for PLAB exam preparation. Many applicants prepare by combining self-study, books, online sources, and practise tests. Additionally, a number of for-profit businesses provide training programmes and resources created expressly for the PLAB exam.