PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) Sample Questions Set-243
Categories: U.K. PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board)
Question: A 33 year old lady who is a drug addict wants to quit. She says she is ready to stop the drug abuse. She is supported by her friends and family. What drug tx would you give her?
a. Benzodiazepines
b. Diazepoxide
c. Lithium
d. Methadone
e. Disulfiram
Answer: (d)
Question: A 50 year old lady has been suffering from chronic RA and is on methotrexate and naproxen. Her CBC shows microcytic anemia. What is the most likely cause?
a. Anemia of chronic disease
b. GI hemorrhage
c. Menorrhagia
Answer: (b)
Question: A 15 year old male noticed swelling on the left knee following a fall while playing. The swelling has not subsided in spite of rest and analgesia. Examination: full knee movement with slight tenderness. He has painless palpable mass in left inguinal region. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. Osteosarcoma
b. Ewing’s sarcoma
c. Chondrosarcoma
d. Lymphangiosarcoma
e. Osteoidosteom
Answer: (a) & (b)
Question: A 45 year old female looking pale has bluish discoloration of hands whenever she goes out in the cold. She has also noticed some reddish spots on her body. She has had symmetrical peripheral arthropathy for the last year. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. RA
b. Osteosarcoma
c. Limited systemic sclerosis
d. Diffuse systemic sclerosis
e. Chondrosarcoma
Answer: (c)
Question: A 60 year old female has pain and stiffness in her right hip joint. Pain is not severe in the morning but increases as the day progresses. She has noticed some nodules in her hands. Investigation: Hgb=low. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. RA
b. Osteoarthritis
c. Gout
d. Pseudogout
e. Multiple myeloma
Answer: (b)
Question: A 30 year old female has chronic diarrhea, mouth ulcers and skin tags. She complains of visual prbs, low back pain and morning stiffness. Investigation: ESR & CRP=raised, Hgb=10 mg/dl. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. SLE
b. Reactive Arthritis
c. Gout
d. Pseudogout
e. Seronegative arthritis
Answer: (e)
Question: A 28 year old woman has been on tx for RA for 3 years. She has gradual loss of vision in both eyes. Her IOP is normal. Red reflex is absent in both eyes. What is the single most likely diagnosis?
a. Cataract
b. DM retinopathy
c. Hypermetropia
d. Macular degeneration
e. HTN retinopathy
Answer: (a)
Question: An elderly man with recently diagnosed HF has been treated with diuretics. He now develops severe joint pain in his left ankle with swelling and redness. What is the single most likely investigation?
a. XR of bone
b. Plasma RF
c. Joint fluid uric acid crystals
d. ESR
Answer: (b)
Question: A 60 year old lady with a hx of HTN and suffering from RA since the last 10y now presents with a hot, swollen and tender knee joint. What investigation would you do for her?
a. XR
b. C&S of joint aspirate
c. US
d. MRI
e. CT
Answer: (b)
Question: A 34 year old man after an RTA was brought to the ED. He has BP=50/0mmHg and chest wall with asymmetrical movement, RR=34 bpm. What would be the initial action?
a. IV fluid infusion
b. Intubation and ventilation
c. CT chest
d. Transfer to ITU
Answer: (b)