PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) Sample Questions Set-240
Categories: U.K. PLAB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board)
Question: An African lady presents with heavy but regular periods. Her uterine size correlates to 14 weeks pregnancy. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?
a. Blood dyscrasia
b. Hematoma
c. Fibroids
d. Adenomyosis
e. Incomplete abortion
Answer: (c)
Question: A 29 year old at 38 weeks GA presents with a 2h hx of constant abdominal pain. She then passes 100ml of blood per vagina. What is the next appropriate investigation?
a. USS
b. CTG
c. Clotting screen
d. Hgb
e. Kleihauer Betke test
Answer: (a)
Question: A 26 year old woman had amenorrhea for 10 weeks and is pregnant. She experiences hyperemesis. Now she presents with a vaginal bleed. Examination: uterus=16 weeks, closed os. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. Thyrotoxicosis
b. Hyperemesis gravidarum
c. Twins
d. Wrong dates
e. Molar pregnancy
Answer: (e)
Question: A pregnant woman of G2, GA 11 weeks presents with heavy vomiting, headache and reduced urine output. Urine analysis shows ketonuria. Choose the next best step?
a. US
b. Oral fluid replacement
c. Serum BHCG
d. Parenteral antiemetics
e. IV fluids
Answer: (e)
Question: A patient had inflammatory changes on cervical smear. There is no vaginal discharge, no pelvic pain and no fever. What is the next step?
a. Repeat smear in 6m
b. Take swab
c. Treat with antibiotics
d. Colposcopy
e. Cone biopsy
Answer: (b)
Question: A 37 year old infertile lady with 5 cm subserosal and 3 cm submucosal fibroid is trying to get pregnant. Which is the most suitable option?
a. Clomiphene therapy
b. IVF
c. Myomectomy
d. Hysterectomy
e. IU insemination
Answer: (c)
Question: A young tall man and his wife are trying for babies and present at the infertility clinic. On investigation the man has primary infertility and azoospermia. What other investigation should be done?
a. Testosterone
b. LSH
c. FSH
d. Estradiol
e. Karyotyping
Answer: (e)
Question: A woman who is on regular COCP presented to you for advice on what to do as she has to now start to take a course of 7 days antibiotics. What would you advise?
a. Continue regular COC
b. Continue COCP and backup contraception using condoms for 2 days
c. Continue COCP and backup contraception using condoms for 7 days
d. Continue COCP and backup contraception using condoms for 2 weeks
Answer: (d)
Question: A lady presents with hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. What is the tx option?
a. Raloxifene
b. HRT
c. Bisphosphonate
e. Topical estrogen
Answer: (b)
Question: A 28 year woman at 34 weeks GA for her first pregnancy attends an antenatal clinic. Her blood results: Hgb=10.6, MCV=95, MCHC=350. What do you do for her?
a. Folate
b. Dextran
c. Ferrous sulphate
d. None
e. IV FeSO4
f. Explain this physiologic
hemodynamic anemia
g. Blood transfusion
Answer: (f)