Health and Disease Multiple Choice Question MCQ

Categories: HEALTH Multiple Choice Question

Q 1. Malignant tertiary malaria is caused by Plasmodium:

(a) Vivax

(b) ovale

(c) malariae

(d) falciparum

Answer- d, Falciparum

Q 2. The pathogens responsible for causing elephantiasis are transmitted to a healthy person through

(a) Droplet

(b) Female mosquito vector

(c) Contaminated food and water

(d) Sexual contact

Answer- b, Female mosquito vector

Q 3. Interferons are secreted by:

(a) Liver

(b) Spleen

(c) Virus-infected cells

(d) Lymphocytes

Answer- c, Virus-infected cells

Q 4. A recipient’s body rejects grafts due to the following type of immunity:

(a) Innate immunity

(b) Humoral immunity

(c) Cell-mediated immunity

(d) Either b or c

Answer- c, cell-mediated immunity

Q 5. Which blood cells reproduce HIV and produce progeny viruses?

(a) Eosinophils

(b) THcells

(c) B-lymphocytes

(d) Basophils

Answer- b, THcells

Q 6. Which of the following is used in the production of the recombinant Hepatitis B vaccine?

(a) Yeast

(b) Microsporum

(c) Ecoli

(d) Streptococcus

Answer- a, Yeast

Q 7. Select the incorrect statement regarding acquired immunity.

(a) Acquired immunity is a nonspecific type of defense present at birth.

(b) A primary response occurs when our body first encounters a pathogen.

(c) Subsequent encounters with the same pathogen provoke anamnestic reactions.

(d) Anamnestic reactions are based on memories of the first encounter.

Answer- a, Acquired immunity is a nonspecific type of defense present at birth.

Q 8. What are the protein coat and genetic material present in HIV?

(a) ss RNA

(b) ds RNA

(c) ss DNA

(d) ds DNA

Answer- a, ss RNA

Q 9. Why is Cyclosporine used?

(a) For allergy

(b) As immunosuppressant

(c) Prophylactic for virus

(d) None of the above

Answer- b, Immunosuppressant

Q 10. Foreign cells are lysed by?

(a) IgM

(b) IgA

(c) IgE

(d) IgM & IgG

Answer- d, IgM and IgG

Q 11. Colostrum secreted from the mammary gland contains which type of antibodies?

(a) lgMm

(b) IgD

(c) IgE

(d) IgA

Answer- d, IgA

Q 12. What is the function of antigen?

(a) lowers body temperature

(b) kills harmful bacteria

(c) triggers the immune system

(d) As an antidote to poison, it is used

Answer- c, triggers the immune system

Q 13. In a primary immune response to an antigen, which of the following is a pentameric immunoglobulin?

(a) IgG

(b) IgM

(c) IgA

(d) Ige

Answer- b, IgM

Q 14. If you suspect a major deficiency of antibodies in a person, to which of the following would you look for confirmatory evidence?

(a) Serum globulins

(b) Fibrinogen in plasma

(c) Serum albumin

(d) Haemocytes

Answer- a, Serum globulins

Q 15. What is the largest percentage of immunoglobulins in human milk?

(a) IgM

(b) IgA

(c) Igd

(d) IgE

Answer- a, IgM

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